
Family Pictures: Or how to Torture your family on a beautiful Sunday afternoon.

Fall is beautiful!  And today was perfect!  So I gathered up the family and we went to take pictures.  Looking back, I should have let them eat dinner first (especially since today was fast Sunday).  But I didn't want to miss the perfect light.  So this is what we ended up with:
004010070071080082083085086087 (2)089093094079
That last one was almost the one.  But Isaac, who is already taller than everyone but Nate, was on tiptoe to be even taller.  Never mind the sun flare behind his head.  Anyway, we did get some good ones. (Although I want to redo the shoot since our clothes are not coordinating.  So if the weather works out with our schedule we might do this again, much to my family's dismay.)  If not, at least I've got a decent picture of us all, smiling, and looking at the camera, with no goofiness.    But I'm saving it for Christmas cards.  So you'll have to wait to see. 


Lara said...

I can't believe how much your family has grown. You look great.

Chelsea said...

I love all these! It's amazing how much personality really shines through in pictures.

Why do people hate family pictures so much?! I have to give Ryan a good month's warning, otherwise he'd never go AND he still grumbles the whole time. Ours are in two weeks. I hope some of them are as fun as yours turned out!

Erin said...

They are really wonderful! I love your family. Pretty amazing especially if you were just using a tripod! I would be happy to come press a button for you next time! Where did you do these?

grannybabs said...

Why are family pics so difficult to take? Actually grandchildren pics are worse!! You are a great looking bunch!!

Alice said...

You all look great. Can't wait to the see the good picture.

Betsy said...

Erin, We just went off K10 on the west side of the Highway. There's a small side street to the west between the 6th street and Clinton Parkway exits (labelled N1500). Then go north just a bit on the frontage road. This was actually the beginning of someone's driveway! But the light shining through the golden trees was perfect. We went at 6:00pm. And I just might take you up on your button pushing offer next time.

bonny with a Y said...

i think you do a great job! they look great.

Christy, said...

You guys look awesome! We miss you and it was great to get a peek again :o) I can't believe how everyone has grown! I will show Lillie tonight. She asks how Hazel is every few months and wishes she were closer.