
Backyard Camping

Growing up, camping was mostly a summer activity.  I have lots of fond memories camping with my family.  But living in Texas, and now in Kansas, camping in the summer is just hot.  Really, miserably, hot.
But, seeing a break in the heatwave, we decided to take advantage of a cooler night, and camp in the backyard.
There are so many advantages to camping in the backyard.  Indoor plumbing, running water, and AC are some great perks! Mostly, it's just a lot less work on my part, and Hazel still felt like we were camping out.
So on a Tuesday evening, we set up our big tent.

We also had cots inside (another reason for the big tent).
Isaac needed to pass of a scout requirement by building a shelter and sleeping in it.  So he found some sticks and a tarp and made a little tent.  We all used bugspray to protect us from the nasty chiggers in the lawn.
And we made a fire (also a necessary camping activity).  Since Texas has been under a drought for the last several years, we have missed this part of camping.  (Another perk of camping in your own backyard.)
And we made s'mores.  Also used some homemade chocolate chip cookies to change things up a bit.
Untitled#Camping with Hazel
Nate and Toby opted to sleep indoors.  Nate had to work and Toby isn't a fan of camping if there's a soft bed and AC available instead.  Aspen was at girls' camp sleeping out with all her friends.  Hazel and I read books and looked at Instagram and Facebook and then it was lights out.  It turned out to be the perfect evening to camp out.  We actually got under our sleeping bags instead of just laying on top of them.  And as soon as the sun was up the next morning (at 6:30 am:/), so was Hazel. 
Just like I remember doing when I was a kid.


grannybabs said...

We were going to do this - but we have bears roaming around in our area - and they have been in our backyard a time or two in the past - so we opt for setting up the tent in the living room as our "camping" option!!

Angela said...

Looks like fun! Can you believe these youngest children that are up until 10 or 11? I would have died before letting Courtney stay up that late!! I love summer and the easy schedules!!

What program/app do you use to get your photos side-by-side on your blog?

Betsy said...

grannybabs - bears would be scary! We just deal with squirrels, bunnies, possums, and coyotes. Living room camping is fun too!