
Six Flags

Back to our Texas trip...
Jacob had season passes to get us into Six Flags.  (Thanks so much for a fun day, Jacob.) So we enjoyed a fabulous day riding roller coaster and hanging with family.  It turned out to be perfect weather and the park was not busy.  Thank goodnes, because I am not of fan of waiting in long lines in heat and high humidity with lots of strangers.
UntitledUntitledCousins and best friends.#sixflags #ferriswheel
Hazel loves her cousins and she was so cute wandering around holding Cruz's hand.
#thescream #sixflagsI'm not sure if Toby liked this ride. But he went. And I bet he would do it again.  #thescream #sixflags
I'm not sure if Toby liked this ride.  He was very quiet waiting for the ride to take off.UntitledUntitled
Mostly I was hanging out with Jacob and the little kids.  But I stole a couple rides on the big coasters.  Nate and Amy went around with the big kids.
All three of the kids could fit themselves onto the single stroller.  Good thing they are friends.
Katanya was a little scared of some of the rides.  But she tried them anyway.  Very brave.
We loved the Ferris Wheel.  Katayna was just afraid that it would stop with us at the top.  We reminded her that rides didn't usually break down when we were on them.
Good thing she wasn't on the log ride a bit later with the rest of us.  It did break down while we were in the middle of the ride.  We sat on our boats for about fifteen minutes until they came and got us off. 

UntitledUntitledEnd of the day.
It was a fun day. And everyone went home tired and happy.


grannybabs said...

After we moved back to CA, we went to the LA County Fair - and Harry F., Bonny, and 3 year old Phoebe went on the ferris wheel - and it broke down - while the three of them were at the very top. I don't remember if they were nervous - but I was petrified - Harry and I were on the ground waiting for them!! I am not a fan of amusement parks or rides actually - kind of had lots of negative experiences as a kid - but my kids love them!

N8ster said...

I miss my hat. . .